JAKARTA - Pioneer C Battalion personnel Brimob, Bone, South Sulawesi routinely patrol around schools related to the widespread issue of child kidnapping in the province.

The Commander of Battalion (Danyon) C Pioneer of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Satbrimob, Kompol Nur Ichsan, explained that patrols around schools are part of the security and public order patrol (Kamtibmas).

"We routine kamtibmas patrols every day. Since the widespread issue of child kidnapping, members have also expanded their patrol areas to roam schools," said Commissioner Nur Ichsan, Saturday, January 21, as seen from Antara.

This routine patrol by Battalion C Satbrimob is to maintain security and conduciveness in Watampone City, Bone Regency.

According to him, the rise of issues related to child kidnapping circulating on social media, the mobile patrol is expected to be able to reduce public issues and concerns about the kidnapping.

"Hopefully this can reduce public concerns. We will try our best to narrow the space for the perpetrators who intend to do evil," he said.

The same thing was also done by Bone Police personnel who intensified patrols both during the day and at night. Bone Police Chief AKBP Arief Doddy Suryawan also asked all residents not to worry too much in responding to the widespread information regarding child kidnapping.

"People don't need to be afraid or worry too much. But we just have to be vigilant," he said.

AKPB Arief Doddy Suryawan said the people of Bone Regency do not need to panic excessively but still supervise their children, especially when outside the house and fortify their families with knowledge.

"I hope that the public does not need to panic, but remain vigilant. Always provide children with knowledge so that they are not easily influenced by lure or gifts from unknown people and if they see suspicious movements, immediately report them to the authorities," he said.

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