The joint SAR team continues to search for two Biawak hunters who were reported missing by the river current while crossing the Citanduy River in Banjar City, West Java.

"The joint SAR team has carried out a search around the scene with no search results," said Head of the Bandung Basarnas, Jumaril, in a written broadcast, Friday, January 20, as reported by Antara.

He mentioned that the two victims were missing and were still being searched by the joint SAR Team, namely Adi Mulyana (29) and Heris Sanjaya (26), residents of Pataruman District, Banjar City.

The incident started when the victim and his friends were looking for a crew around the Citanduy River, Banjar, Thursday (19/1), then Adi's victim fell and drowned and was carried away by the river current.

Furthermore, another victim, Heris, tried to provide help, but unfortunately he drowned until the whereabouts of the two victims were unknown.

"Both of them were swept away by the current and drowned," said Jumaril.

Jumaril said that his party immediately dispatched a team from the Tasikmalaya SAR Post to search for the two victims by following the river current.

On the first day of the search, said Jumaril, the joint SAR team had not found any signs of the victim's whereabouts until the search was stopped, and continued with the search on the second day, Friday morning.

"Activities are followed by monitoring and searching," he said.

The joint SAR teams involved were Basarnas elements, Pataruman Police, Banjar City BPBD, Banjar City PMI, ORARI Banjar Ciamis, Banjar Ciamis RAPI, and other volunteers.

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