Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo appreciated the presentation of the Chancellor of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University) Arif Satria who was re-inducted for the period 2023-2028. He described the concept of a future campus.

Ganjar, who was interviewed after attending Arif Satria's inauguration at the Widya Wisuda Campus IPB Dramaga Bogor Building, appreciated the explanation from the IPB Chancellor who revealed the progress of the university.

"It is extraordinary, Mr. Chancellor illustrates how the progress of the IPB and how the collaboration was built while he conveyed the challenges of the future that must be responded to today," said Ganjar, Thursday, January 19.

Ganjar assessed that the IPB achievements that Arif Satria had presented showed that the campus was able to adapt to the current global conditions, so that it was relevant to become a future campus.

"A little bit nothing has missed the shows of a campus that has to adapt to the changing global conditions," he said.

IPB, said Ganjar, responded to the large changes in the old order to become a very extraordinary new order, namely through research with innovations that collaborate with government partners and employers.

"I think the campus response was very extraordinary, the research is great and this is a future campus, he said that well, good because of his cooperation and collaboration with the government with extraordinary entrepreneurs," said Ganjar.

The Chancellor of IPB Arif Satria in his remarks after the inauguration explained a number of his campus achievements which have created 107 varieties of food crops that have contributed to Indonesia's food security.

Agriculture technology innovations that continue to develop and are being developed include wood glass, rice from seaweed and many more.

"So in the future we must contribute to the world's food. Innovations are still being researched. Now, biodiversity is the main key," he said.

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