JAKARTA - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday the United States had gathered a coalition of European countries to resolve "Russian problems" in the same way Adolf Hitler sought "final solutions" to eradicate European Jews.

Foreign Minister Lavrov said Washington used the same tactics as Napoleon and the Nazis in trying to conquer Europe to destroy Russia.

Using Ukraine as a proxy, he said, "they waged a war against our country on the same footing, the 'final solution' of Russia's problems," he said.

"Just as Hitler wanted a 'final solution' to Jewish matters, now, if you read Western politicians... they clearly say Russia must suffer a strategic defeat," he continued.

In response, Israel said Foreign Minister Lavrov's statement was "unacceptable."

"Every comparison or linking recent events to Hitler's final solution plan for the destruction of Jews distorts historical truth, tarnishes the memories of those killed and survivors and must be strongly rejected," the Israeli Foreign Ministry said.

Meanwhile, Germany called the statement of the senior Russian diplomat a 'terrible' thing.

"The history that can be drawn here is: Russia's war crimes in Ukraine will not be forgotten or left behind," said German Ambassador to Israel Steffen Seibert.

Meanwhile, the French embassy in Israel called Lavrov's statement outrageous and embarrassing.

"The only 'End Solution' left unsatisfactory scars in the history of mankind," read a French statement.

The 'End Solution' was Hitler's Holocaust blueprint, which led to the systematic killing of 6 million Jews, as well as other minority members.

In May last year, Foreign Minister Lavrov had caused outrage, as well as comments about Hitler. Foreign Minister Lavrov said the Nazi leader had "judical blood" which immediately drew angry protests from Israel.

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