JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil (RK) revealed three reasons he wanted to join the Golkar Party. One of them, is interest in open parties. Initially, RK said that his decision to join a political party was because he was ready and received the blessing of his mother and wife. "Why the Golkar party? The first one is the Golkar party is very strong as a symbol of the central party, a Pancasila party, an open party, so this is my interest," said Ridwan Kamil at the Golkar Party DPP Office, Wednesday, January 18. Second, he continued, the Golkar Party is filled with quality individuals. "The long history of Golkar shows that the institution is very honorable. So that it is small, the progress is indeed from its individuals. So if this individual is of high quality, then the one who benefits is Indonesia," he said. The third, said RK, is his close relationship with the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto. "The communication relationship with Pak Airlangga is very, very good, we often discuss economic matters as his capacity in the cabinet, as well as personal matters," he said. "When I had a disaster, he came more than once to express his sympathy, for me it was humanity, Pak Airlangga's humanism which I really appreciated. So in politics not all are matematic, there are humanitarian things that Pak Airlangga shows," said Ridwan Kamil.

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