JAKARTA - Police in the near future will summon artist Gisella Anastasia alias Gisel and MYD, the male lead in the case of a viral perverted video. Both will be questioned as suspects. Was he arrested immediately?

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus has not been able to confirm this. What is certain, he said, in the near future his party will call both of them as suspects.

"As soon as possible we will summon both of them as suspects, we will carry out investigations," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, December 29.

Yusri said the assignment of suspects to Gisel and MYD was based on the results of the case titles. The results of the case title decide if the two are proven to have committed criminal charges.

"The results of the title of the case that we did yesterday afternoon just finished. The status of the witnesses to the sister of GA and the brother of MYD as suspects," he said.

In the past, when the video was circulating in cyberspace, Gisel had denied it. Accompanied by his girlfriend Wijaya Saputra or familiarly called Wijin, Gisel speaks candidly about denying the woman in his nasty video.

“Another one is a really smooth girl, I had a child before. It's not that smooth, I have a lot of lines, "said Gisel in a video interview quoted from Intense Investigation.

"Crazy, awesome, awesome. Watching this is awesome, awesome. It's just that I have lost," said the woman who is now the widow of Gading Marten.

In addition, the determination of the suspect also referred to Gisel and MYD's statements. Because, they admit that the male and female figures in the video are themselves. The police said the nasty video played by Gisella Anastasia and the man with the initials MYD was made three years ago or 2017. In fact, the immoral action was carried out by both of them at a hotel in Medan. North Sumatra.

"Sister GA acknowledged and MYD admitted that what was in the video circulating on social media, it was herself," he said.

In this case, investigators used Article 4 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 29 and or Article 8 of Law 44 of 2008 concerning pornography. Thus, they face a minimum sentence of 6 months and a maximum of 12 years in prison.

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