JAKARTA - Prosecutor from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that former Cimahi Mayor Ajay M Priyatna asked the then regional secretary, Dikdik S Nugrahawan, to seek money from a number of civil servants to bribe former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju. KPK prosecutor Tony Indra said the number of civil servants consisted of various service heads, sub-district heads, and other officials. According to him, the money requested by Dikdik based on Ajay's direction amounted to Rp5-10 million.

"Their orders were clear, they collected the money to Ahmad Nuryana (Head of BPKAD at that time)," said Tony at the Bandung City District Court, West Java, Wednesday, January 18, quoted by Antara. Meanwhile, Ajay's attorney, Fadli Nasution, denied Ajay's orders to Dikdik. According to him Ajay only told Dikdik about the existence of KPK investigators who asked for a sum of money. According to Fadli, Dikdik took the initiative to ask for money from a number of civil servants after hearing the story from Ajay. In addition, he claimed that the civil servants were not aware that the money would be given to Ajay. "There was no direct order, only ordinary talking to Pak Ajay to Pak Dikdik at that time," said Fadli.

As for the trial on Friday, there were five Cimahi City Government officials who were presented as witnesses. The prosecutor also confirmed one by one the witnesses regarding the collection of money for Ajay. Ajay was previously charged with bribing Stepanus in the amount of Rp. 507 million to take care of legal cases related to the investigation conducted by the KPK on suspicion of corruption in Bandung Raya and Cimahi in 2019-2020. The charges against Ajay were based on Article 5 Paragraph 1 letter a or Article 5 Paragraph 1 letter b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001.

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