JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini stated that social assistance (bansos) for residents affected by COVID-19 will begin to be distributed on January 4, 2021.

"With PT POS starting to be distributed on January 4 (2021). We hope that in one week it can be completed throughout Indonesia but there is something special in Papua that is different," said Risma at a press conference at the Presidential Office, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, December 29.

Risma shared this with the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy after the two of them attended a limited meeting with the topic "Preparation for the Distribution of Social Assistance in 2021" led by President Joko Widodo.

The social assistance, which was originally in the form of basic necessities for people in the Jabodetabek area, was converted into cash assistance.

"For the Jabodetabek area, which this year uses the basic food scheme, assistance in the form of basic necessities will be converted into cash assistance which will be delivered by personnel from PT Pos to the house. So there is no need to come to the post office because we are worried that a crowd will arise because it will be delivered to each address using a technique that has been arranged by the Minister of Social Affairs, "said Muhadjir.

According to Risma, discussion of various schemes and data on beneficiaries for 2021 is still in the process of being finalized.

"Why almost, because we are going to return (data) today to the regions and (data) must return to the central government on January 1, 'Ma'am, January 1, we have a day off?' We don't have any holidays because I want to convey in accordance with the instructions of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) that the first week of January this assistance can already be given to beneficiaries of aid, "said Risma.

The reason is that the average monthly expenditure for basic food items in Indonesia is IDR 3.76 trillion or around IDR 60 billion for more than 500 cities and regencies in Indonesia.

"This means that there will be a fairly large circulation of money in the regions. The recipients of the basic food program or BPNT (Non-Cash Food Assistance) this year are 18.8 million recipients receiving Rp200,000 per month for January to December," added Risma.

Meanwhile, the Cash Social Assistance Program (BST) in 2021 is targeted for 10 million recipients including those in Jabodetabek who are distributed by PT Pos Indonesia with a monthly aid index of IDR 300,000 for each beneficiary.

"That is given by the government until January, February, March, April, so for four months," said Social Minister Risma.

There is still a Family of Hope Program aimed at 10 million beneficiaries with Bank Himbara distributors.

"It is used for pregnant women, then early childhood, school children, people with disabilities and the elderly. This will be given every 3 months with the first stage in January, the second in April, the 3rd stage in July and the 4th stage of the month. October, "said Risma.

Risma also said that she would begin to improve the aid system starting February 2021.

"Because January must be distributed immediately, in February there is a mechanism that we will update, which is easier but we are more detailed in doing it because there is 'feedback', so not only do we provide assistance but there is reporting for aid recipients," added Risma.

Risma hopes that there will be no more efforts to cut aid or misuse aid.

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