JAKARTA - The inclusion of three businessmen in the ranks of the Forward Indonesia cabinet recently appointed by President Joko Widodo raised questions from the Chairman of the DPP National Awakening Party (PKB) Faisol Reza.

The entrepreneurs who are included in the "crazy rich" group are Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Trade M. Lutfi, and Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono. Plus, Erick Thohir, who had previously been appointed as Minister of BUMN.

Faisol suspects that this group of rich businessmen is not included in the ranks of the ministries by Jokowi's pure will. Rather, they were those who pressed Jokowi to join the cabinet.

"Is it true that they were chosen by Pak Jokowi or they actually forced Pak Jokowi to choose? I suspect they forced him or forced him to vote for them," said Faisol in a virtual discussion broadcast on the Political Journalist Forum Youtube, quoted on Tuesday, December 29.

In the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in an economic downturn, Faisol saw Jokowi as if he had no choice but to look for a ministerial figure with a business background.

"Pak Jokowi may not have too many choices with the COVID-19 situation, where our economy is part of a collapsing global economy. Trying to find a way out and take the smallest possible opportunity," said Faisol.

In addition, these rich businessmen are thought to have the goal of taking a portion of political power in the future. Because, according to Faisol, political contestation will be easier if the character has large capital.

"So, this is roughly the new young elite who think they will fill in, maybe 20 or 30 years from now as unfortunate figures across the world of our economic and political business," he said.

Furthermore, he also suspected that these ministers with business backgrounds would think more about their business interests. As a result, the government will find it difficult to improve the handling of economic recovery and public health.

"I am also worried because if they as businessmen get stronger, if the power of these businessmen starts to play with political parties I think there will be when the cabinet starts to be disturbed. Maybe it will happen in 2022 or 2023," he added.

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