BANDA ACEH - Komnas HAM Aceh Representative stated that currently the pro justitia Komnas HAM investigation team of the Republic of Indonesia is still conducting further investigations regarding the alleged two cases of alleged gross human rights violations that occurred during the last Aceh conflict.

"For the other two cases, pro justitia is still in the process of being investigated by the Indonesian Human Rights Commission Adhoc Pro Justitia Team," said Head of Komnas HAM Aceh Representative Sepriady Utama, in Banda Aceh, Tuesday.

Sepriady said that there were two cases of alleged gross human rights violations that were still under investigation, namely the Bumi Flora incident in East Aceh Regency, and Timang Gajah, Bener Meriah Regency and Central Aceh.

The Bumi Flora incident in East Aceh occurred in 2021 related to the massacre or shooting of residents in oil palm plantation areas. Meanwhile, the Timang Gajah case was related to the forced disappearance of people in Central Aceh and Bener Meriah.

The two cases, said Supriady, are still being investigated and examined in accordance with Article 18, Article 19 and Article 20 of Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning the Human Rights Court.

"The case of Timang Gajah and Bumi Flora is still in the process of being investigated by pro justitia, and has not yet been submitted by Komnas HAM to the Attorney General," he also said.

Sepriady said that previously there were five cases of gross human rights violations in Aceh that were investigated by the Ad Hoc Komnas HAM RI team, the other three were Simpang KKA North Aceh 1999, Rumoh Geudong, and Sattis Post in Pidie Regency, and Jambo Kepok South Aceh 2003.

However, the three cases have been submitted by Komnas HAM RI to the Attorney General's Office, and President Jokowi has announced or acknowledged them as cases of gross human rights violations in Aceh.

"The realization of the three cases has been investigated pro justitia by Komnas HAM, and the files have been submitted to the Attorney General as investigators," said Sepriady Utama.

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