JAKARTA - PDIP General Chair (Ketum) Megawati Soekarnoputri mourns the death of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Italy Muhammad Prakosa. This was conveyed by the Secretary General (Sekjen) of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto.

Hasto said Megawati did not expect Prakosa's departure to be so soon. The reason is that Megawati recently discussed the Saninten tree given by Prakosa which thrived at her residence in Bali.

"He (Megawati) was also very sad. It was not expected that the sad news would come this soon. Considering this afternoon, Mrs. Megawati had just discussed Mr. Prakosa while showing the Saninten tree, a memento from Mr. Prakosa, which grew so fertile in her yard in Bali," said Hasto in a written statement, Tuesday, January 17, quoted by Antara.

Megawati also gave directions to all party ranks to give the best respect to Prakosa as well as special respect according to party protocol.

Hasto said the PDIP DPP had assigned the Chairman of the Utut faction, Adianto, to coordinate with the Government regarding the plan to repatriate Prakosa's body, who had served as Minister of Forestry from 2001-2004.

"Pak Ahmad Basarah was also assigned to coordinate with his family regarding all plans for the funeral of the deceased. Furthermore, the party gave full support until the completion of the entire series of funerals of the deceased according to party protocol," said Hasto.

Hasto said PDIP had lost a humble, honest figure and was an example for all party ranks. He said that all the struggles carried out by Prakosa proved that he was truly a cadre who was loyal, dedicated, and loyal to the General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"We also pray for the bereaved family, hopefully they will get strength and comfort," said Hasto.

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