Chairman of the DPR Budget Agency Said Abdullah assessed that the extension of the term of office of the village head from 6 years to 9 years will further ease the local government (Pemda) in carrying out the village head election budget function.

"According to the mandate of the Village Law (UU), the implementation of village head elections (pilkades) is carried out simultaneously in these regencies/cities, so the burden of budgeting for village head elections (kades) through the APBD is certainly quite large," Said said, in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17, was confiscated by Antara.

Therefore, Said appreciated the aspirations of the village heads who wanted to change the term of office so that the distance between the Pilkades contestation could be longer.

The village head conveyed his aspirations to the DPR to revise the Limited Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, mainly regarding the term of office of the village head.

The distance from the longer Pilkades will also not drain the social energy of villagers due to the impact of social division due to the Pilkades. As is known, the process of the Pilkades in many cases caused tension and even social fragmentation that sometimes peaked exclusively for a long time and required recovery.

In addition to reducing the election budget, according to Said, changes in the term of office of the village head will also provide the elected village head with the opportunity to realize his campaign promise with sufficient time without being disturbed, immediately rethinking participating in the next contestation in the Pilkades due to the short term of office.

Thus, to accelerate the village government, the term of office of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) will have to follow the term of office of the village head which changes from 6 years to 9 years.

"This acceleration is needed so that BPD control can run effectively and parallel in time with the term of office of the village head, which can be re-elected for two terms of office," he said.

Nevertheless, he emphasized that changes in the tenure of the village head longer require more effective control not only from structural completeness, either through BPD as a village head's working partner, but also the local government as a village government development organization.

Active control of all civil forces in villages such as youth community organizations, community leaders, non-governmental organizations, and mass media is also needed.

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