CIREBON - Cirebon Police ensures that they will continue to take action against vehicles that use noisy exhausts. This was done because its use was disturbing and violated the rules.

"Although there is no manual ticket, we make sure we continue to take action against vehicles that use noisy exhausts," said Head of Cirebon Police Traffic Unit, Police Commissioner Galih Bayu Raditya in Cirebon, West Java (West Java), Tuesday, January 17, confiscated by Antara.

Galih explained that vehicles with noisy exhausts greatly disturbed the comfort of the community, and also violated regulations, so that his party continued to carry out control.

According to him, the Cirebon Police Traffic Unit has formed a team to take action against all vehicles whose exhaust is not standard or noisy, where when they are found their vehicles will be immediately secured.

He continued, the prepared team will always move to find vehicles that have noisy exhausts, especially on Sunday nights, where the average number of vehicles will come out.

"The use of noisy exhaust violates Article 25 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 106 paragraph 3 of Law number 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation," he said.

Galih appealed to the public not to change motorized vehicles that are no longer manufacturer standards, and to use noisy exhausts, in addition to violating the rules, it also disturbs public order.

Galih said that when his party found a noisy exhaust vehicle, it would be immediately taken to the Cirebon Police Headquarters and the nearest police station, until later the owner could bring the standard exhaust.

"We will immediately carry a vehicle that is found to be noisy exhausts, and when it is to be taken, a standard exhaust must be installed," he concluded.

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