The handling of cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of four wooden ships in 2021 in Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) which spent a budget of IDR 3.9 billion is now entering the police investigation stage. The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, confirmed that the handling of the case is now at the investigation stage. "Yes, the handling of this case has been investigated and last Monday a case was carried out in the context of evaluating the progress of the investigation," said Artanto in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 17. Dari hasil gelar perkara di Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Polda NTB, ujar dia, penyidik kini mendapat perintah untuk secara intensif melengkapi berkas perkara. In this investigation stage, investigators have not revealed the role of the suspect. The order to intensely complete the case file is also part of the investigator's efforts to uncover the suspect's role. The police are handling cases of alleged corruption in procurement starting May 24, 2022, based on the Letter of the Directorate of Special Investigation of the NTB Police Number: Sp-Gas/12/V/2022/Dit Reskrimsus. Dalam rangkaian penanganan, pihak kepolisian telah mengambil keterangan dan mengumpulkan data lapangan. Keterangan dari sejumlah pejabat dinas, pelaksana proyek, dan para pihak yang turut mengetahui proses pekerjaan proyek ini masuk dalam kelengkapan berkas. The Bima Regency Transportation Service project was carried out by CV Sarana Fiberindo Mandiri with a work contract agreement Number: 990,550/100/DISHUB/VIII/2021 dated August 5, 2021. The implementation period is 132 working calendar days from December 15, 2021. Although the work has been declared complete, the procurement of ships sourced from the special allocation fund (DAK) is included in the findings of the NTB Representative Audit Agency (BPK). In the findings, BPK NTB noted that there were a number of problems that could potentially cause state losses. The nominal losses that arise are suspected to reach hundreds of millions of rupiah.

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