JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror found a training ground for the terrorist network Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). The place is used to train young terrorists to become proficient in using weapons, assembling bombs, and making ambushes.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said the training venue was in Gintungan Village, Bandungan, Semarang, Central Java. This training venue is shaped like an ordinary villa but is quiet from community activities.

"They (young terrorists) are trained in military style with the aim of forming troops according to the program set up by the leader of this network (JI)," Argo told reporters, Sunday, December 27.

For the training process for young terrorists, the figure who became a teacher was Joko Priyono alias Karso. He was appointed directly by the amir or the leader of the JI group, Para Wijayanto. These young terrorists were trained for about 6 months.

In the world of terrorism, Karso is quite a skilled terrorist. He was arrested in 2019 and has been a convict with a sentence of more than 3 years in prison.

"They are preparing this young generation with the aim of becoming the future leader of this network (JI)," continued Argo Yuwono.

Also, to train young terrorists, Karso is not alone. "Pak Karso recruits participants, he also recruits trainers. There are 8 trainers recruited by Pak Karso, these are used to train students (young terrorists)," he explained.

This training venue is thought to have been used for a long time. From the results of tracing the training for young terrorists has been going on since 9 years ago. In fact, there are at least 12 locations that are used as training places.

"Recruitment of the younger generation of JI since 2011," said Argo Yuwono.

The pattern of recruiting young terrorists, continued Argo, was by looking for smart children from several Islamic boarding schools. They are looking for students who are ranked 1 to 10 in their boarding schools.

"Each batch of 10-15 people from Java and from outside Java. A total of 95 people have been trained and trained," said Argo.

In selecting young terrorists, Karso chose selectively. He considered the individual abilities and various other things of the students.

"Some are chosen, look at their mental state then how their posture is and how their ideology is," added Argo.

From this long-running recruitment pattern, Karso has formed 96 young terrorists. They are divided into 7 generations or generations.

After undergoing training they will be sent to Syria. These young terrorists have been sent since 2013-2018 with funds that have been prepared by the network.

"Of the 96 who then left for Syria, there were 66. And of course why 66? Why not 96? Because we have arrested some," he said.

Meanwhile, the funding for this group comes from donations from its followers. The number reaches 6 thousand people and they are all willing to pour funds for the activities of this group.

In fact, Argo said that if each member of the JI group contributed Rp. 100,000, the money that would be collected from that donation would reach Rp. 60p million. But many of them donated in the amount of tens of millions.

"But many also send not one hundred thousand, some 10 to 25 million, varies," said Argo.

With this donation, this group can get fresh funds to dispatch the young terrorists to Syria. It is estimated that dispatching one batch will require IDR 300 million.

In addition, the money is also used to pay the salaries of 8 trainers to meet the needs of the young terrorists. Based on Karso's understanding, the monthly cost of training reaches Rp. 65 million.

"Rp.65 million to pay for the trainer, to eat during the training, and also to buy medicines," he said.

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