YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Government plans to use a COVID-19 detection device based on exhalation or GeNose. The tool made by the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) research team can quickly detect COVID-19.

"The Task Force is planning to have GeNose," said Regional Secretary (Sekda) DIY Kadarmanta Baskara Aji quoted by Antara, Monday, December 28.

Aji said the DIY COVID-19 Handling Task Force would communicate with task forces in five districts / cities in DIY regarding the plan to use the tool.

"So there are no double orders. So I think it's a pretty good tool," he said.

Aji said the tool would be used according to its function, namely to perform tracing and testing more quickly on new cases.

"The tool is used more for screening, but if you have been admitted to the hospital, of course you will still use the PCR swab," he said.

With the existence of a tool developed by UGM, according to Aji, DIY will have a more complete COVID-19 diagnostic tool.

"They complement each other. We now have three tools, GeNose, rapid antigen test and PCR," he said.

The GeNose COVID-19 detection tool made by the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) research team has obtained a distribution permit from the Indonesian Ministry of Health with the RI Ministry of Health number AKD 20401022883 which was published on Thursday, December 24.

The head of the GeNose development team, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, said the GeNose test results were very fast, which was about 2 minutes and did not require reagents or other chemicals. In addition, taking a test sample in the form of a breath exhalation also feels more comfortable than a swab or swab.

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