JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) charged the defendant Ricky Rizal alias Bripka RR with a prison sentence of 10 years. Ricky is considered involved in a series of alleged murder cases of Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

"The defendant Ricky Rizal has been sentenced to 8 years in prison minus his prison term," said the prosecutor during a trial at the South Jakarata District Court, Monday, January 16.

In the charge, there were several burdensome considerations. One of them caused the loss of the life of Yosua alias Brigadier J and grief caused deep wounds to the families of the victims.

In addition, there are also mitigating considerations. The prosecutor considers Ricky Rizal to be still young so that he can correct all his mistakes. According to the prosecutor, Ricky Rizal is the backbone of the family and has children who still need to be guided.

Ricky Rizal alias Bripka RR played a role in supervising the whereabouts of Yousa alias Brigadier J while at Ferdy Sambo's official residence at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

"For the defendant Ricky, when he arrived at Duren Tiga's official residence, he did not enter but stood in the garage of the house to continue to be in charge of supervising the victim Nopriansyah Yosua Hubarat," said the prosecutor.

In a series of premeditated murder cases, Ricky Rizal must ensure that Yousa alias Brigadier J remains at the official residence. So, when Ferdy Sambo arrives, the execution process can be carried out immediately.

In fact, the prosecutor considers Ricky Rizal's role in supervising Brigadier J has been carried out since he was in Magelang on July 7, 2022.

"Brigadir J, ed) who is standing in the courtyard of the official residence is to ensure that the victim is not going anywhere and this task has been carried out since Magelang's trip to Jakarta," said the prosecutor.

Meanwhile, Ricky Rizal was jointly charged with participating in the murder and/or assisting in the premeditated murder of Yosua alias Brigadier J.

He is said to have not prevented and informed the police of the murder of Brigadier J at Ferdy Sambo's official residence at the Police complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, on July 8.

In fact, he learned of the shooting. This is because Ricky Rizal was asked by Ferdy Sambo to become the executor on the third floor of Saguling's house, Duren Tiga.

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