TANGERANG - The government has reportedly banned the sale of 3 kilograms (Kg) of gas or melon gas in small and retailer stalls. Later, the sale will be in Pertamina's official agent.

This was also responded to by a number of small shop traders in various regions, one of which was in Tangerang Regency such as Anang or commonly called Mang Anang.

He admitted that he did not agree with the policy. According to him, it will burden the people and traders who usually buy in their place.

"It's complicated, not everyone can do it. Then at midnight he (the official agent) is holding up. If I think it's better as usual," said Mang Anang when met in Karang Bolong Raya, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency.

Even so, Anang admitted that he could not do much, if the regulation would be realized. This means, said Anang, that the melon gas now has is his last stock.

"If it really happens, that's fine. What can I do again. It means I just finished this means. This is the last stock. I bought IDR 22 thousand," he said.

Meanwhile, the meatball seller, Pamin, admitted that he really refused the policy. According to him, the regulation will transcribe him when trading meatballs.

"It seems that it will be complicated, mas, if there is one supporting agent. It must be long queues. It's complicated, I think. It's better as if you could," he concluded.

For information, the Government plans to prohibit the sale of 3 kilograms (kg) LPG or LPG through retailers such as small stalls. Subsidized gas will only be sold in official distributor agents registered with Pertamina.

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