SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) will intensify raids on trumpet traders before the eve of the new year celebration. Raids are carried out to prevent potential transmission of COVID-19 which can occur through droplets or saliva splashes.

The supervision or simultaneous raids will be intense in 31 sub-districts throughout Surabaya. Not only in crowd places, surveillance is also carried out in markets, shops, shopping centers to the border of the entrance to the city of Surabaya.

Acting Mayor of Surabaya, Whisnu Sakti Buana stated that currently the city government is focused on securing New Year's Eve and after the long holiday. This was done to prevent a spike in COVID-19 cases.

"What is certain is that there will be a large-scale operation, both the sub-district head we have instructed to prohibit the sale of trumpets and to limit the sale of fireworks," said Whisnu, in Surabaya, Monday, December 28.

The Surabaya City Government has also issued a Circular regarding restrictions on operating business activities in Surabaya on New Year's Eve. Limitation on business operations on December 31, will be enforced until 20.00 WIB.

"All (business activities) at 8 pm (closed), on New Year's Eve. We have decided it together with Forkopimda (Regional Leadership Communication Forum) and later we will also emphasize it, disseminate it through sub-district heads," he said.

In order to intensify surveillance during New Year's Eve, the municipal government and related agencies also established posts at eight borders of Surabaya City. For residents outside the city who have no interest or business concerns, they are advised not to go to Surabaya on New Year's Eve.

"We will also conduct filtration in the eight city boundaries that enter Surabaya. This means that it is not a total closure, but we are also ready to filter from the Health Office. there, "he said.

Later on New Year's Eve, residents of Surabaya who will enter the city are required to take part in the swab that has been prepared at the eight posts. Meanwhile, residents outside Surabaya are advised not to enter the City of Heroes if there are no urgent matters.

"But if he (a resident outside Surabaya) has night work (in Surabaya), he can still enter with a swab on the spot," he said.

Whisnu added that his party had also instructed the sub-district and village heads to record their citizens after traveling out of town during the Christmas and New Year holidays. "So, residents who come out of vacation for more than 3 days will do a swab through the nearest Puskesmas," he explained.

On the other hand, the Surabaya City Government is currently finalizing a new Mayor Regulation (Perwali) regarding enforcement of health protocols. In the new Perwali, the sub-district heads can enforce health protocols on residents who violate them, so they don't have to depend on Satpol PP officers.

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