JAKARTA - Marunda residents who are members of the Marunda Rusunawa Community Forum (FMRM) have complained about the re-occurrence of coal dust in the residential area of Rusunawa Marunda, North Jakarta, to the North Jakarta Environmental Service (DLH) and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environment Agency (DLH).

The reason is that this coal dust pollution has caused health problems to residents.

In the past two weeks, residents of Rusunawa Marunda experienced various health problems, including itching all over their bodies, eyeaches, coughs, headaches, and digestive problems.

"We from the Marunda Rusunawa Community Forum (FMRM) have repeatedly urged the North Jakarta Environmental Service and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environment Agency to immediately conduct investigations at Marunda Port and KBN so that we as citizens are not continuously affected by pollution," said the Bureau of Media and Information for the Community Forum. Rusunawa Marunda, Cecep Supriyadi in his statement, Saturday, January 14.

Based on the results of the examination for 3 days, from Monday to Wednesday, January 9-11, 2023, which was carried out by the Cilincing Health Center in Rusunawa Marunda, at least 63 residents had itching, 16 people had coughs and colds, 8 people had high blood pressure, 3 people had eye pain, 3 people had a sick body, 2 people experienced nausea, and 2 people experienced digestive disorders.

"This pollution has had a huge impact on the health of residents because they complain of itching, there are even residents who experience itching all over their bodies and it doesn't only happen to adults, but also children. In addition, residents also complain of coughing, and shortness of breath. I myself also experience itching in my hands and headaches," he continued.

The health disturbance experienced by the residents of Marunda is suspected to be due to coal pollution, from September 4, 2022, to Friday, January 13, 2023.

Until now, the rain of coal dust continues to occur until it enters the area of the Marunda Flats, especially in Blocks D3, RPTRA, and the SMP Negeri 290 school area.

Cecep suspects that the number of residents who have experienced health problems has not fully described the condition of the residents.

Because the health check in the Marunda area was announced suddenly, and was carried out on weekdays/schools, and was only carried out during working hours/schools or at 08.00-12.00 WIB.

Cecep also explained that the coal pollution incident in Marunda was one of the many pieces of evidence that taking action against only one company was not enough, namely the revocation of environmental permits against PT KCN.

The government, he said, should conduct a thorough investigation and audit of polluting companies, as well as stop addiction to coal fossil energy.

According to Cecep, the public can see that after the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) revoked PT KCN's environmental permit, in fact residents were still bombarded with coal dust which had an impact on health.

"We FMRM also invite government officials to live and work in Rusunawa Marunda. Try a month of full activities in our settlements, so that the government not only accepts reports from residents and investigates coal companies, but by doing activities here, the government can feel for themselves the coal dust that pollutes our homes and health problems that haunt us every day," he said.

The demands of the Rusunawa Marunda Community Forum, which is part of the Coal Against Advocacy Team, added Cecep, are asking the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environment Agency and the Head of the North Jakarta Environmental Service to, first, verify the field for the occurrence of environmental pollution due to coal dust in the Marunda area.

Second, providing all kinds of information including information on the results of scientific data-based monitoring and research that is accountable and transparent to the people of Marunda as part of the right to information, environmental participation and justice.

"Third, guaranteeing non-recurrence and carrying out various efforts to monitor, supervise and prevent environmental pollution due to coal in the Marunda Region," he concluded.

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