JAKARTA - Political observer and executive director of Lingkar Madani (Lima) Ray Rangkuti, assessed that the argument to return to a closed proportional electoral system does not develop and tends to be trapped in the past. In contrast to open proportional support arguments that tend to develop and have a future dimension.

"I think defending the argument (open proportional) is much more, it could triple from returning to closed proportional," said Ray, Saturday, January 14.

According to him, there are three outlines of arguments that support closed proportional systems, namely election participants are political parties, political party consolidation, and low-cost elections. Meanwhile, open proportional support arguments continue to grow.

"If it is the dimension of the past, we have experienced it. In fact, open is the turning point from the past," he said.

Ray mengungkapkan, argument penguatan sistem proportional terbuka yang berhubungan dengan masa depan adalah keberadaan dan perkembangan media sosial.

"We live in an era of technology, where the era of social media is the most important device in our daily lives. And on social media politics is also regulated, there have been many political decisions based on social media," he said.

This, Ray added, indicates that social media domination is so great and able to determine the political face. "This means that the dominance or role of social media in the future to determine political faces is much stronger than the role of political parties," he added.

Therefore, Ray considers irrelevant when there are parties who encourage the strengthening of political parties in the future. "In the midst of such an era, we still think that strengthening the party makes no sense. It was in the 1960s, 1970s, relevant because we have not found social media, where people channel aspirations, advocate for policies is nothing but through parties," he concluded.

It is known, as many as 8 political parties have committed to supporting an open proportional electoral system, except for PDIP which supports closed proportional. Golkar Party as the initiator of the 8 elite meeting stated that the rejection of the discourse on a closed proportional electoral system is in the interest of all parties participating in the election and safeguarding the sovereignty of the people. "This is a common interest related to the sovereignty of the people and this is not only felt by the Golkar Party, but by the entire party participating in the election," said Golkar Ketum Airlangga Hartarto, Sunday, January 8.

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