SURABAYA - The National Police revealed a case of 16.3 tons of explosive fish bombs in the Bangkalan area, Madura, East Java. This fish bomb was ordered by someone in Makassar.

"This case is being dealt with by the joint Baharkam Polri team, there is evidence and a suspect," said the Head of the National Police Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam), Komjen Agus Andrianto at the East Java Regional Police, Monday, December 28.

In this disclosure, the police found 16.3 tonnes of potassium chlorate. The owner of MB was named a suspect.

From a temporary inspection, the raw material was ordered by someone in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

"The MB suspect sold Rp. 35 thousand per kilogram. There was also a detonator axis that was sold separately for Rp. 20 thousand per unit," said Agus.

According to him, the MB suspect has been in this business since 2018. He assembled a fish bomb at his house using a mineral water bottle filled with potassium cloart mixed with sulfur and charcoal.

"After that, the bottle containing the fish bomb explosive was given a detanator which was later set on fire and resulted in an explosion," he said.

Komjen Agus claimed that the disclosure of the fish bomb case had saved Indonesia's seas. Because the use of fish bombs can damage coral reefs and marine life.

"With the assumption that a fish bomb is detonated, has an explosive radius of 50 square meters. So that from the total evidence, the resulting explosive power can cause damage of 350 hectares," continued Agus.

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