JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Terawan Agus Putranto said the government has prepared a number of cell phones or cell phones along with sim cards for Indonesian citizens who have just been returned from Wuhan City, China after the outbreak of the corona virus.

With the distribution of cellphones and sim cards, Terawan hopes they can upload activities at quarantine locations to personal social media.

"Last night, the distribution of cellphones and new sim cards. So you don't use simcards there (China). If you use them in Indonesia, they can upload their own activities," Terawan told reporters at the Kemenkopolhukam Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Tuesday, February 4 .

In addition to uploading activities while they are in quarantine, the new cell phones and sim cards are expected to be used to exchange news with their families.

"Please contact those who have contact with the children or our friends. Later, they will tell you about the toilet, how is it eating, is it good or not? There are things that are humane. If the food is not good, maybe they can. call me later, I will give eggs, milk again, "he said.

A total of 238 Indonesian citizens at Raden Sadjad Air Base in Natuna Islands, Riau, are undergoing a quarantine process since Sunday, February 2. They were quarantined for two weeks.

The number was less than originally planned, namely as many as 245 people. This is because four people refused to return to Indonesia, while the other three did not meet the health requirements when they were about to depart.

Regarding the three people who did not return for health reasons, Terawan said the Chinese government would be responsible for taking care of them. However, the former head of the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital could not confirm that the three of them were exposed to the corona virus. The Chinese government stated that the three of them could not come to Indonesia because they were deemed not meeting health standards.

"They are examined whether they are sick or not. For the provisions of WHO, those who are sick cannot come out. It is not sick A, B, C, so it is clear that they cannot come out," he concluded.

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