ACEH - The Office of the Ministry of Religion of East Aceh Regency prohibits lato-lato games from being played in madrasas because they interfere with teaching and learning activities. Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of East Aceh Regency, Salamina, said that currently children are playing lato-lato games. However, the game has the potential to be life-threatening to play it as well as those who watch it. "This game is dangerous, even often eats victims due to broken lato-lato balls. So, we prohibit this game from being played in madrasas, both ibtidaiyah, tsanawiyah, and aliyah,” he said in East Aceh, Antara, Friday, January 13. Salamina hopes that the madrasa will control and supervise every student's movements, both in class and when outside the classroom, such as the canteen yard during rest hours and the prayer room environment, so that children do not play lato-lato. In addition, he said, the lato-lato game made noise. When the lato-lato is played loudly, the greater the noise generated. The noise interferes with the teaching and learning process of students in madrasas. According to him, apart from making noise, the lato-lato rope that is played loudly has the potential to break. When the rope breaks, the lato-lato balls are thrown out of control. This can make the lato-lato ball hit the face that plays it or who watches it. "If the lato-lato ball is thrown into the face, it is even more dangerous if it is strongly thrown into the eyes of the players and those who watch it, it is not impossible to cause visual disturbances. Therefore, we prohibit this game in the madrasa environment," said Salamina. He said the ban was issued following a lato-lato game incident in a number of areas that claimed many victims. The majority of victims of the lato-lato age are raudhatul athfal or kindergarten or madrasah ibtidaiyah or elementary school. "To prevent lato-lato from being played in madrasas, teachers must check their students' bags and conduct routine raids. This is done so that the madrasa environment is free from playing lato-lato,” Salamina said.

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