JAKARTA - Robert Hur is ready to carry out the duties given to him from the United States Attorney General, to conduct a fair and impartial investigation regarding the discovery of sensitive government documents at former President Joe Biden's office and residence.

US Attorney Generalwield Garland on Thursday appointed Robert Hur as a special prosecutor to investigate whether President Joe Biden had handled government-sensitive documents incorrectly.

Robert Hur will act as a quasi-independent prosecutor to determine whether secret documents from Biden's tenure as vice president have been incorrectly stored at his residence in Delaware and in his former office at a think tank in Washington, Attorney General Garland said.

Garland further said Hur would examine "whether anyone or entity violates the law." Meanwhile, the White House promised to work together.

Hur was a US prosecutor in Maryland during President Donald Trump's administration and lastly served as litigation partner at law firm Gibson, Dunn & trutcher.

He was appointed by Trump in 2018 as chief federal law enforcement officer in Maryland, and left the position with Trump's presidency ending in early 2021.

Under Hur, Maryland's US Attorney's office demanded the case of former National Security Agency contractor Harold Martin, who stole large amounts of classified material from US intelligence agencies.

At the time, officials called it the largest breach of ever-recorded US classified information. In 2019, Martin was sentenced to nine years in prison.

Graduated from Stanford Law School and Harvard College, Hur served as deputy chief assistant to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein before his appointment as US Prosecutor in Maryland. He is also the clerk for the late Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court William Rehnquist.

"I will carry out an investigation assigned with a fair and impartial assessment," Hur said in a statement issued after his appointment as a special prosecutor.

He added that he meant "to follow the facts quickly and thoroughly, without fear or help."

Hur is known to have received the Attorney General's Office Award for " superior and satisfactory performance as prosecutor" during his tenure as assistant US prosecutor in Maryland District from 2007 to 2014. He was also an aide to Christopher Wray at the Department of Justice, before Wray's appointment to lead the FBI.

"Rob has been around for a long time. He knows what he is facing," Rosenstein told CNN on Thursday after Hur's appointment as a special prosecutor.

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