Teaching and learning activities in schools in the Tanimbar Islands Regency (KKT), Maluku Province, are back to running as usual today, Wednesday 11 January.

The summit became an area affected by the 7.5 magnitude (M) earthquake that occurred in Maluku on Tuesday, January 10 in the morning.

"After the earthquake at the KKT, there was no school holiday for the KKT government," said Secretary of the KKT Education and Culture Office, Zakarias Lessy, Wednesday, January 11, as reported by Antara.

Although school activities are running as usual today, Lessy admits that many seats in the classroom are still empty. The reason is that many parents have not allowed their children to go to school due to the trauma faced by the M 7.5 Maluku earthquake.

"Because of the trauma, they have not allowed their children to go to school, basically there is fear and trauma from their parents," he said, quoted by Antara.

Apart from being worried that it would still be traumatized, parents are worried that their child is not in a fit condition at school.

"Maybe it's due to sleepiness after the incident that happened in the early hours of the morning, and after that there was still fear, so the sleep didn't go well (sleep until it was late, ed). But not all of them. There were also students who went to school," he said.

Lessy emphasized that in principle school activities are still running, because besides that, Tuesday is the second day of the new school year.

"So some schools are still in the process of cleaning the school environment, so we haven't actively studied yet," explained Lessy.

He appealed to the entire community, especially children who go to school, to remain vigilant and refrain from hoaxes.

"The local government's appeal to the people of Tanimbar is to remain vigilant, and not to be consumed by hoaxes from unclear sources of information," asked Lessy.

According to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the earthquake that occurred on Tuesday, January 11, at 02.47 WIT, was at sea at a depth of 131 km at coordinates 7.25 South Latitude and 130.18 East Longitude, about 148 km northwest of West Southeast Maluku.

The earthquake was felt on a scale of V MMI in Saumlaki City; IV MMI in Dobo and Tiakur; III-IV MMI in Alor, Waingapu, Waijelu, Lembata, Sorong, and Kaimana; II-III in Kairatu, Merauke, Nabire, Tanah Merah, Wamena, Bakunase, Kolhua, Sabu, Rote, Ende, South Amarasi, and Kupang City; and II MMI in Ambon and Piru (West Seram Regency).

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