Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has really optimized the potential for new and renewable energy in his region. In 2022, the white-haired politician provided solar power plants (PLTS) to a number of Islamic boarding schools (Ponpes).

From data from the Central Java Provincial ESDM Office, there were 10 Ponpes that received the assistance. Among them, Ponpes Sabilul Khoirot (Semarang), Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan (Tegal), Al Imam An Nawawi (Tegal), Tanhibul Ghofilin (Banjarnegara), Riyadhussholihin (Sukoharjo), Bangkirus? (Semarang). In addition, Ponpes Amanah Ummah (Sukoharjo), Al Utsmani (Pekalongan), An Nawawi (Purworejo) and Al Kahfi (Jepara).

Ganjar's commitment is not only to optimize potential, but also as an effort to pay attention to Islamic education. The head of the Ummah Trusted Boarding School in Palur Village, Mojolaban, Sukoharjo, Fauzan Al Anshori said that PLTS assistance from the Governor in 2022 is very beneficial for the boarding school he takes care of.

"Alhamdulillah, the utilization is extraordinary. We feel that one for the use of learning activities we can fully use multimedia and also for other utilization we can maximize it like a dormitory," he said, Wednesday, January 11.

Since the PLTS learning process has been maximized. Both formal education activities and pesantran. "After the installed PLTS, we are quite free to hold learning activities and Islamic boarding schools," he continued.

Although the use of electricity for activities increases, the cost is still cost-effective. In addition, there are no longer problems with blackouts. In the past, it could be IDR 1.5 million per month, but because PLTS costs more than 50 percent of electricity. Especially if it is summer it can reach 70 percent. And, Alhamdulillah, there is no problem with blackouts," he explained.

Fauzan appreciated the efforts of Governor Ganjar Pranowo, who had paid attention to Ponpes. "We thank you for paying attention to Islamic education. Here there are 164 students with the dormitory system," he said.

The Daily Board of the Riyadhussolihin Nguter Islamic Boarding School, Sukoharjo, Ahmad Rifai, also conveyed the same thing. According to him, PLTS assistance from the Governor is not only for education, but for the development of the Job Training Center (BLK).

"Alhamdulillah, PLTS assistance from Pak Ganjar in 2022 has been realized. Alhamdulillah, there are many benefits, to reduce electricity costs at Ponpes. PLTS we focus on Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) and the Job Training Center there is a fashion procedure. Thank God it is very helpful," he explained.

He added, with the existence of the PLTS, it saves monthly electricity costs. Usually, it is more than Rp. 500 thousand per month, now it is only around Rp. 230 thousand. "From saving electricity costs, we can transfer the money to educational activities at MI," he said.

In addition to Ponpes, Ganjar also provides assistance to farmers. In Krandegan Village, Bayan District, Purworejo, for example, can now harvest three times a year. This cannot be separated from assistance in the form of solar water pumps. Solar power panel assistance. Assistance worth Rp. 450 million, sourced from the Central Java Provincial Government APBD in 2022, is used to operate irrigation water pumps.

Farmers in Krandegan Village, Mustangin said, the aid really helped farmers in their village. According to him, the rice fields in Krangdegan village were raining. "After the assistance of solar water pumps, Alhamdulillah, the community was very happy and helped with the irrigation in Krandekan Village," he said, Saturday, January 7.

He explained that the solar power panel functions to revive the water pump to suck up water from the Dolang River which is then channeled into the rice field area through the ditch. The full need for water for agriculture allows farmers to plant three times and harvest three times a year.

The Central Java Provincial Government under the leadership of Governor Ganjar Pranowo continues to develop the potential for new and renewable energy. Currently, there are around 2 thousand independent energy villages in Central Java. Solar power plants have been carried out in several sectors. Among them are Islamic boarding schools, MSME players, and agriculture.

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