MALUKU - A number of houses in Tanimbar Islands Regency were damaged, allegedly due to an earthquake with a magnitude (M) 7.5 that shook Maluku on Tuesday, January 10 in the morning.

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) melaporkan data sementara hingga pukul 08.13 WIB, Selasa 10 Januari, sebanyak 15 unit rumah di Kepulauan Tanimbar Maluku rusak.

"With details of one house being heavily damaged, three are moderately damaged and the rest are still being assessed for the extent of the damage," said Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center, Abdul Muhari in his statement, Tuesday, January 10, as reported by Antara.

Apart from home, the educational facilities for Saumlaki Christian Middle School and SMA Negeri 1 Saumlaki in South Tanimbar were also damaged.

Meanwhile, as a result of the victims, the Tanibar Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said that one resident was injured.

Based on information from BPBD Tanimbar, the earthquake shock was felt strongly by residents for about three to five seconds. There was panic during the earthquake, so residents left their homes.

After the earthquake, the BPBD of the Tanimbar Islands Regency coordinated with village and sub-district officials. In addition, officers appealed to their citizens to remain vigilant.

"The BNPB Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) continues to monitor and coordinate with BPBD affected by the earthquake," said Abdul.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) released the M 7.5 earthquake at 136 km northwest of the Tanimbar Islands or previously known as West Southeast Maluku with a depth of 130 km.

After about 20 minutes, aftershocks occurred with a magnitude of 5.5, precisely at 01.10 WIB or 03.10 local time. The epicenter was 197 km northwest of the Tanimbar Islands with a depth of 128 km.

As a result of the earthquake, BMKG issued a tsunami early warning for the provinces of Maluku and Southeast Sulawesi. The epicenter was at sea and had no potential for a tsunami.

Judging from the intensity of the earthquake strength measured by the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale, Saumlaki V MMI, Dobo and Tiakur IV MMI, Sorong, Kaimana, Alor, Waingapu, Waijelu, and Lembata III IV MMI, Merauke, Nabire, Tanah Merah, Wamena, Bakunase, Kolhua, Rote, Sabu, Ende, South Amarasi, and Kupang II III MMI, Ambon and Piru, II MMI.

BNPB urges local governments and residents to remain vigilant against potential aftershocks. Before returning to their homes, residents were asked to ensure the condition of the building structure after the earthquake.

"Stay alert to potential aftershocks. The impact of casualties can be triggered not because of earthquake phenomena but the ruins of buildings that are not earthquake resistant," said Abdul.

In addition, residents are asked not to be easily provoked by fake news or hoaxes that are usually spread through social media. Make sure the latest information after the earthquake from BMKG, BNPB or the local BPBD.

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