The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, revealed that the Nataru Polda Banten Task Force had examined 11 witnesses related to a car accident that fell into the sea at Pier 2 Merak Port.

"Investigators have examined 11 witnesses, including the victim's witness, ASDP, from PT. Ifpro and PT. Surya Timur Line," Shinto said in a written statement, Monday, January 9.

Shinto added that the investigators would then examine expert witnesses to help resolve this case.

"Investigators will involve relevant agencies as experts," he added.

After the completion of the process, investigators will conduct a suspect determination.

"After coordinating with experts, investigators will carry out a case for determining the suspect," concluded Shinto.

As is known, Friday, December 23, at around 22.00 WIB, there was a car accident that two people were traveling in at sea at Pier 2 Merak Port. Luckily there were no casualties, and a white Daihatsu Sigra car that fell into the sea was successfully evacuated.

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