Makassar City Indonesian Ulema Council Secretary KH Masykur Yusuf said his party summoned adherents of the Haikinya Hakiki sect to get an explanation regarding his teachings to be straightened out further if they deviated from religious teachings. "Leaders and followers of the Haikinya Hakiki sect who have been designated as heretical sects will be summoned tomorrow for their explanation to be known and asked for their readiness to repent or be ready to be fostered," said Masykur in Makassar, Antara, Sunday, January 8. According to him, the summons of leaders and adherents of the Haikinya Hakiki sect as a coaching effort, as well as to find out their commitments, are ready to stop spreading their understanding and repent. He said the importance of the meeting was to find out more about understanding and sects that were considered to deviate from Islam. If the leadership and its adherents do not follow the recommendations of the Makassar MUI, it will be handed over to the authorities. Moreover, the Makassar MUI has issued an announcement so that the teachings are stopped because they are declared heretical. Meanwhile, the chairman of the Makassar MUI, KH Baharudin Abduh Shafa, previously said that his party would explore and trace the existing pedigree of the sect, so that his followers would also be summoned to provide an explanation. The importance of tracingmads or pedigrees of a flow is because the flow of tarekats must have a clear tree or situation. Meanwhile, the Haikinya Hakiki flow of Hakiki, whose followers claimed to meet God and the prophet, was even declared guaranteed to enter heaven and receive Hajj status without having to go to the Holy Land of Mecca. The attitude of the Makassar MUI regarding the Haikinya Hakiki sect has been stated in the Declaration Number 01 MUI.MKS/XII/2022 which contains 5 points of error related to these teachings, including violating the pillars of faith. Second, guarantees to enter heaven. Third, claiming to have met God, the four Hajj statuses without the need to go to the holy land of Mecca and the fifth to pray with different intentions.

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