BANJARMASIN - The Banjarmasin Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) is searching for a passenger KM Dharma Kartika IX who is known to have fallen into the sea around Tanjung Selatan Waters, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. "Entering the second day of the search, the team has not succeeded in finding the victim around the last position," said Head of the Banjarmasin Search and Rescue Office Al Amrad in Banjarbaru, Antara, Sunday, January 8. He explained that the Basarnas team using the KN.407 ship fleet was still focusing on searches around the last known position (LKP) or the last position was known when the victim jumped into the sea. However, the search will be expanded depending on conditions on the ground, including the possibility of adding personnel and fleets to conduct sea sweeps. Amrad admitted that until now the identity of the victim itself is not known only based on the testimony of witnesses from other passengers who saw a man jumping into the sea after leaving the room of an economic class passenger. The incident took place on Friday, December 6 at around 20:38 WITA when the KM Dharma Kartika IX ship belonging to the operator PT Dharma Lautan Utama (DLU) sailed from Surabaya to Banjarmasin. The ship's officers had carried out a search effort around the victim's crash for an hour but the victim was not found, then the ship continued its journey to Trisakti Port, Banjarmasin. Basarnas, who received the report, then dispatched a team to the location on Saturday, December 7 at 11.20 WITA.

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