JAKARTA - The murder victim Angela Hindriari (54), turned out to be cut into 7 parts by the perpetrator M Dicky Listianto (34). The pieces were then put into boxes.

Head of Unit IV of the Resmob Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Tommy Haryono said the purpose of the mutilation was so that pieces of the body could be put into boxes of plastic containers.

"According to the suspect's confession, there are 7 parts. It was cut off at shoulder 2, right shoulder left shoulder, right ankle and left leg, between thigh and pelvic two left and right, there are a total of 7 parts," he said when confirmed, Sunday, January 8.

Tommy said, in the 7 pieces, the head and body still blend.

"The head and body are still one together," he said.

After killing and mutilating, next to the body in the box is placed bowls and coffee. The perpetrator did so to get rid of the foul smell emitted by the corpse.

Tommy said the perpetrator killed by strangling the victim until he ran out of breath.

"(The victim was killed-ed) strangled. There is no (assuming) blunt object yet," he said.

Kasubdit Resmob Ditreskrimun Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Resa F Marasabessy said M Ecky's motive for killing was because the victim forced her to marry.

The perpetrator refused because he did not want his illicit relationship with the victim to be known to his wife.

"Because he asked to marry the victim, while the suspect was married," said Resa when confirmed, Sunday, January 8.

Regarding via Kaskus

The introduction of M Ecky and Angela began with Kaskus' social media. They have also been in communication since 2018. From that introduction, the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim is getting closer.

M Ecky's closeness to Angle is inversely proportional to his family. In 2019, Angela reported that her family ran away from her house.

"So in the SPKT report of the West Java Police at that time Angela was still alive and really ran away from her family," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi.

On the one hand, M Dicky's love relationship with Angela is getting more intimate. In June 2021, the two of them were dating. "Until the victim died in November 2021," he said

The discovery of Angela's body

The police said that they accidentally found Angela's body in two boxes of plastic containers when she visited M Ecky's boarding house on Friday, December 30, at around 03.23 WIB.

This is because, initially the police followed up on reports of missing people on behalf of M. Dicky Listyanto by searching for his boarding house in the Kampung Buaran area, Lambangsari, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency.

Upon the discovery of the pieces of the body, M Ecky is strongly suspected of being the perpetrator of the mutilation. If proven, the police will ensnare M Ecky with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder.

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