SURABAYA - Whisnu Sakti Buana has become the acting (Plt) Mayor of Surabaya to fill the position left by Tri Rismaharini (Risma). Risma was dismissed from the position of mayor of Surabaya after being inaugurated as Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos).

"On the basis of the Ministry of Home Affairs radiogram no 131.35 / 7002 / OTDA dated 23 December 2020, signed the Director General of OTDA, the Governor of East Java issued a Task Order Letter No. and the authority of the Mayor of Surabaya, ”said East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

Khofifah explained that the provisions of the questions are regulated in Article 65 paragraph 1 and 2 of Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government since the issuance of the assignment letter until the appointment of the definitive Surabaya mayor.

"Congratulations on carrying out your duties, hopefully you will be healthy and successful," said Khofifah via the Instagram account khofifah.ip.

Acting Mayor of Surabaya Whisnu Sakti Buana held an audience with the Regional Leadership Forum (Forpimda) to discuss the coordination of safeguarding Christmas Holidays 2020 and New Year 2021 (Nataru) and overcoming COVID-19.

"That's why I communicated with Forpimda, especially regarding the security of this Nataru holiday," said Whisnu Sakti Buana after the audience which took place at the Surabaya Mapolrestabes Active / Living Museum building quoted by Antara, Friday, December 25.

Whisnu assessed that this coordination is important to ensure the safety and comfort of the City of Heroes during the Nataru holiday, especially in efforts to tackle COVID-19 in the City of Surabaya.

"The most important thing is how we handle those who have holidays out of town and so on. That's why we continue to coordinate, coincidentally, he (Mr. Kapolrestabes) still has a Christmas event, this is accepted by Pak Wakapolrestabes," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Police of the Surabaya Police, AKBP Hartoyo welcomed the visit by the Acting Mayor of Surabaya. There are at least three things that will be discussed in this hearing.

"So there are three things we talked about earlier, namely securing Christmas and New Year, overcoming COVID-19 and later on securing vaccine distribution," said AKBP Hartoyo.

The police ensure that they will continue to support the Surabaya City Government in their efforts to create a safe and comfortable City of Heroes, both for security during New Year's Eve and related to overcoming COVID-19.

"Indeed, in the context the TNI and Polri support the city government to carry out the response to COVID-19 in the city of Surabaya," he said.

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