JAKARTA - Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said the long Christmas holidays and the end of this year will definitely have an impact on increasing positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Therefore, adding cases was inevitable.

Even so, said Dante, the government is trying to reduce the death rate from infection with the Sars Cov-2 virus which causes COVID-19.

"Maybe a spike in cases is inevitable, there will definitely be. The most important thing about this spike in cases is that the death rate should not increase," he said, in a virtual press conference, Friday, December 25.

To ensure that efforts to reduce the mortality rate can run optimally, the Ministry of Health ensures that all facilities, including medicines, beds, health workers, are sufficient.

"We are conducting an effective visit today (to the hospital) so that all the availability of medicines, health facilities and medical personnel are met," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the death toll from COVID-19 has reached 258 people today. This figure is the highest since the COVID-19 case was first announced in the country. If accumulated, the total mortality rate in the country will reach 20,847 cases.

The five regions with the highest death cases today are Central Java 91 cases, East Java 78 cases, DKI Jakarta 21 cases, Yogyakarta 12 cases and East Kalimantan 10 cases.

Meanwhile, daily data for death cases in the last week, namely, 181 cases on December 24. Meanwhile on Wednesday, December 23, there were 151 cases of death, while on December 22, there were 172 reported cases of death.

Then, on December 21, the number of deaths was quite high, reaching 205 cases. Meanwhile, on Sunday, December 20, there were 221 cases. On December 19, there were 145 cases reported. Then, on December 18, there were 124 cases of death and 142 cases on December 17.

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