JAKARTA - The convict Tarek Namouz (43) who was radicalized in prison even sent funds of more than 25,000 pounds or around IDR 469,675,333 to the ISIS terrorist group.

The barber in London sent the money to his friend who fought for ISIS in his homeland, Syria.

An investigation by British Metropolitan Police found he had received loans from the Hammersmith Council and Fulham London and transferred them to school friends.

He was arrested in May 2021 in an operation by counter-terrorism officers. Yesterday, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

The material found on his cell phone reveals a message between him and an ISIS supporter in Syria, where they talk about buying weapons and explosives for use against Syrian government forces.

They also found videos of how to make bombs like those used in the Manchester Arena attack.

Namouz was found guilty at the Kingston Crown Court in December for giving money to terrorism and having useful information on terrorism.

Judge Peter Lodder KC told Namouz he had shown "commitment to terrorism" and planned to "reestablish a state implemented in accordance with extreme principles".

"In 2020 and 2021 you will run the services of a barber at Hammersmith," he said, quoted by The National News on January 6.

"You are entitled to a Covid recovery loan paid to you by the local council."

"You send that money, and other money, via the transfer of west London and currency exchanges, to terrorists in Syria."

Namouuz interrupted the judge, claiming "I never sent the money". But after he was convicted, he said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

However, a moment later he shouted at the police in the courtroom and said, "May God bless you. We will meet on the day of judgment. You are infidel and you will end up in hell."

He has sent funds through a remittance bureau in west London. Detective found a record transaction of 11,280 pounds.

However, while in detention, he was recorded telling a visitor who came to see him in prison, he had sent more than double that amount, around 25,000.

When officers raided flat Namouz to arrest him on May 25, 2021, he told officers if he didn't have a phone.

But during the search, detectives found a hidden one in the niche under the drawer.

On the phone, officers found ISIS propaganda material consisting of thousands of videos, messages and documents he downloaded from Telegram.

This includes two videos, one of which gives instructions on how to make improvised explosive devices, and the other details how to carry out knife attacks.

Namouz initially came to Britain as a student and asked for asylum in 1996. He was jailed for rape in 2014 and is believed to have been radicalized in prison.

Commander Richard Smith, who leads the Metropolitan Police Counterterrorism Command, said: "Terrorist groups rely on funds to carry out their activities and continue to operate."

"People like Namouz who give money to terrorist groups both in the UK and abroad allow others to go and carry out serious and deadly attacks, and we will always pursue and investigate those people and try to take them to court," he stressed.

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