The joint SAR team experienced bad weather problems in the search for a fisherman who was declared missing in the waters of Kiabu Island, Riau Islands (Kepri).

Head of the Search and Rescue Office (KPP) Basarnas Natuna Mexianus Bekabel said the bad weather was faced by the joint SAR team while sweeping the victim on behalf of Ashadi (57).

"We have tried to coordinate and search together with fishing communities and the TNI-Polri, BPBD, HNSI and the surrounding community where the pompong was found, which allegedly belonged to the victim. In the afternoon, we temporarily stopped the search because the weather and waves reported from the team in the field reached two to four meters," said Mexianus, Friday, January 6, quoted from Antara.

On this day, Friday, January 6, the joint SAR team that returned to search still has not found the whereabouts of the victim.

Mexianus said the victim had previously said goodbye to go to sea from his house on Jalan Abdul Kadir Saleh, Mosquito Island, Anambas Regency on Tuesday, January 3.

Because the catch was felt to be not much, the victim and other fishermen chose to spend the night on Lintang Island the following day.

The fish search continued until Thursday, January 5 morning. The victim was no longer seen at sunrise. His whereabouts were unknown after breaking away with other fishermen because he wanted to find bait.

Signs of its existence can only be seen from the victim's blue pompong boat which was found by other fishermen at around 07.00 WIB.

"At 9.40 WIB, the Anambas SAR Post received a report from the Anambas fishing community, then the information was forwarded to the Natuna SAR Office for follow-up," he said.

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