JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, reminded state administrators not to be trapped in the practice of corruption, bribery or gratification, which usually occurs before or during religious holidays such as Christmas.

"On this occasion, I remind my fellow state administrators not to get caught up in corrupt practices of bribery or gratuities such as exchanging gifts or gifts that usually occur before or during religious holidays such as Christmas," Firli said in his statement in Jakarta. , reported by Antara, Friday, December 25.

According to him, giving or exchanging gifts and parcels becomes a culture in religious celebrations, but it will be a danger if it involves parties who have a specific purpose or purpose.

"These parties are playing the 'tactics' of Santa Claus, 'just giving no hope of returning' so that many state servants have been tricked into falling into the vortex of corruption," he said.

Not only trapped, continued Filri, not a few government and state apparatus are looking for even luxury gifts or gifts to appear glamorous during holidays.

"Isn't it true that in Christianity, Jesus shows the simplicity of his life as applied to the Prophet and the prophets in Islam in his daily life," he said.

He emphasized that the Christmas celebration is not a matter of new clothes, let alone obtained from the results or corrupt practices, but a form of reflection to make people aware of all the shortcomings, weaknesses and mistakes of being part of the religious community. According to him, simplicity should underlie any celebration in this world.

The spirit of Christmas, he said, should be able to deepen the aspects of humanity, inspire the social spirit so that they can be more empathetic, sensitive, and care about the condition of their fellow countrymen, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

"Happy Christmas, let us spread love and always sow the values of honesty, simplicity in our hearts with the spirit of anti-corruption so that Indonesia can progress, be prosperous, safe and peaceful, starting from Sabang to Merauke, Miangas to Rote Island, where the progress of the Republic of Indonesia is a manifestation of the ideals of the nation, "said Firli.

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