AMBON - Head of the Manusela National Park Office, MHD. Zaidi stated, the climbing quota of Mount Binaiya on Seram Island, Maluku has the opportunity to open up to 100 percent after the rules for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) are revoked. "“It is possible to have a chance if there are no more developments related to COVID-19. Later it will be reviewed to apply the 100 percent quota," said Zaidi in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Thursday, January 5. President Joko Widodo has officially revoked the revocation of the PPKM status since the end of 2022 based on the consideration of the increasingly controlled COVID-19 condition with high immunity of 95.8 percent. This was also immediately followed up by the Ambon City government. Acting Mayor of Ambon, Bodewin Wattimena has also officially revoked PPKM in Ambon City on Friday, December 30, 2022. Zaidi said that the implementation of an increase in the climbing quota needed to go through processes and stages so that there were no procedural errors and violated the rules. “We will definitely try. The point is that we need a study so that we don't get the wrong procedure and violate the rules," he said. He stated, from the beginning of January to the present, the number of climbers has only reached 20 people, with only four visitors per day. “ New Year visitors who climb on average are only four people per day, he said. According to him, so far, Binaiya visitors have never committed violations, especially for violations of health protocols. “ We always remind climbers not to commit violations on the hiking trails or peaks. Must obey the rules for the common good, "said Zaidi. Zaidi hopes that in the future there will be investors who are interested in tourism development and want to collaborate with the surrounding community so that tourism in Maluku is better known and developed. “We will try to improve pre-fabrication facilities and tourism promotions. We hope that there are investors who are interested in tourism development, ” he hoped.

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