YOGYAKARTA Former corruption convict, Romahurmuziy returned to politics after three years in prison for alleged bribery in the sale and purchase of positions at the Ministry of Religion in 2019. Rommy, who was declared free from the KPK Branch Detention Center in April 2020, has now been appointed as Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Central Leadership Council of the United Development Party (DPP PPP). So, how is Romahurmuziy's political journey?

Information on the appointment of Rommy as Chair of the PPP DPP Advisory Council is known from uploads on Instagram.

Through his personal account, Rommy uploaded a Decree of the DPP PPP Number 0782/SK/DPP/P/XII/2022 dated 27 December 2022 concerning Changes in the Personal Structure of the Advisory Council of the Central Leadership Council of the United Development Period 2020-2025.

In the decree signed by the Acting Chairperson of PPP Muhammad Mardiono and the Secretary General of PPP Moh. Arwani Thomafi, Romy was appointed as Chairman. Meanwhile, the position of Deputy Chair is occupied by Wardatul Asriyah, Nu'man Abdul Hakim, Anang Iskandar, Syarif Hadler, and Wicaksono. The secretary is Sy Anas Thahir with deputy secretary Hizbiyah Rochim and Irene Rusli Halil.

"I accept this proposal with bismillah, there is nothing but hoping for blessings. In order for the legacy of this cleric to return to them, I hope this mandate is llah, because in every position it lurks slander, the words of la haula wa laa quwwata illa billah are filtered," wrote Romy on Instagram, quoted Thursday, December 5, 2022.

Before entering politics, Rommy, who graduated from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), was an employee of a private company. In addition, he also worked as a UGM Physics Technical Lecturer.

The reason Rommy has a career in politics is practical because he wants to continue his mother's footsteps, Umrah Machfudzhoh, who is a PPP politician. His mother served as Chairman of the DPW PPP DIY in 1985-1995, as compiled by VOI from various sources.

At PPP, Rommy has a very bright career. In the 2009 election, Romahurmuziy was elected to become a member after advancing through the Central Java VII (Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Kebumen) electoral district.

In the VII PPP Congress which was held in 2011, Rommy was elected as Secretary General, accompanying Surya Dharma Ali who occupies the chair of General Chair.

The peak of Rommy's career occurred in 2014. At that time, he was elected as the General Chair of PPP at the VIII Congress which was held in Surabaya, East Java.

Not only that, Rommy was also re-elected as a Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the 2019 Election.

Thanks to his political steps that supported the governments of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla (Jokowi-JK), PPP managed to enter into the circle of power.

A month before the 2019 election, in March to be precise, Rommy stumbled upon a corruption case. He was caught in a Hand Catch Operation (OTT) related to the sale and purchase of positions at the Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) which was held by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Rommy was arrested along with four other people who came from the private sector and regional officials from the Ministry of Religion in East Java. OTT was carried out in different locations and secured some money in rupiah denominations.

In the legal process, Romy was sentenced to 2 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 100 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison by the Panel of Judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court on January 20, 2020.

On this decision, Rommy filed an appeal. As a result, the Panel of Judges at the DKI Jakarta High Court reduced his sentence to 1 year and a fine of Rp. 100 million.

Regarding this decision, the KPK has filed an appeal at the level of the Supreme Court, but it was rejected. Romy was finally released on April 29, 2020 after serving his sentence according to the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court.

After being released, Rommy was able to immediately return to politics because of the request of the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) regarding the revocation of Romy's right to be elected to public office for five years after serving a sentence, rejected by the Jakarta Corruption Court.

Now, Romahurmuziy is returning to PPP by occupying the chairman of the Party Advisory Council.

That's information about Romahurmuzy's political journey. Updates on the latest news developments are only on VOI.id.

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