Secretary General of the NasDem Party Johnny G Plate, predicts there will be 4 coalitions in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. First, are the NasDem, PKS and Democrat coalitions. Meanwhile, PDIP, according to Johnny, will form its own coalition. Because the party chaired by Megawati Soekarnoputri has met the requirements to carry the presidential candidate without a coalition, namely a 20 percent parliamentary threshold (PT). "The potential portrait of the coalition is a coalition in the coalition, because there are only 2 parties outside the coalition, others in the coalition. What is certain is that PDIP has the right to nominate the presidential election because it has met the basic requirements of PT," Johnny said in a virtual release of the Indonesian Political Indicators (IPI) survey, Wednesday, January 4. Meanwhile, Johnny continued, if Gerindra and PKB become declared the Great Indonesia Awakening Coalition, then the potential for 4 coalitions in the 2024 presidential election will be realized. The reason is, the Golkar Party, PPP and PAN are still solidly building the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB). "If the Gerindra coalition is well built, then there is Pak Prabowo's coalition. Also, if KIB is built, there is a KIB coalition. So there is a potential for 4 coalitions in the current coalition," said Johnny. So far, according to Johnny, the majority of the coalitions that have been built are within the government coalition. Because only two political parties are outside the government. Therefore, the Minister of Communication and Information reminded all political parties to maintain solidity in the upcoming 2024-2029 government. "Together, we will continue Pak Joko Widodo's continuity," he said. Johnny then gave an example of the Jokowi government, which has very strong solidity. According to him, because of this solidity, the government was able to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic well. "Why could this happen? Because the leadership and guidance of the President is carried out properly to cabinet members and state administrators and is strongly supported politically. This is what makes us successful in dealing with the pandemic, the economy, because there is national solidity," concluded Johnny.

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