JAKARTA - The National Police are still reviewing the formation of four regional police and regional units under it in four new provinces in Papua, namely South Papua, Central Papua, Papua Mountains and Southwest Papua.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said the study was carried out by the Division of Staff and Planning (Srena) and the National Police Research and Development (Litbang).

"Srena and Litbang are conducting a complete study and development plans, infrastructure and personnel," said Dedi as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 4.

South Papua, Central Papua and Papua Mountains have already been inaugurated in the middle of 2022, then the Minister of Home Affairs inaugurated three officials (pj) in the three provinces in November 2022.

Meanwhile, Southwest Papua Province has just been enacted. The draft law on the establishment of the province was ratified through a meeting of the DPR RI with the government on Thursday (17/11).

According to Dedi, the four new regional police have not yet been formed, they are still in the study of calculating the infrastructure recommendations needed in accordance with the country's economic conditions.

"Because forming a new regional police must be calculated in detail the planned needs and of course adjusted to the economic conditions of Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, for the needs of police services for the people in the latest province in Papua, services are carried out by the main police personnel where the provincial capital is located or visited the Papua Regional Police.

"If the old Regional Police need to thicken the strength of personnel for the new provinces, they will be backed up by the National Police Headquarters," said the two-star general.

Previously, in a final release in 2022, Saturday (31/12), the National Police Chief Gen. Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo conveyed the readiness of the National Police regarding the expansion of four new autonomous regions in Papua.

He said the formation of four new regional police and regional units under him was to bring police services closer to the community.

"Of course we are accelerating the equitable development in line with these efforts. The National Police also conducts studies on the formation of new regional police and regional units under it to bring police services closer," said the National Police Chief.

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