JAKARTA - The results of a temporary post-mortem on the kidnapping victim named Malika Anastasya (6) in Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta, found physical violence on the victim's body. Currently, the victim is still undergoing treatment and psychological assistance at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Endra Zulpan said that the results of the post-mortem that had been obtained today did not find any sexual violence against Malika.

"Tetapi terdapat kekerasan fisik berupa adanya sentinan terhadap Malika dan juga kekerasan diperkirakan kick di pinggang. Ini masih kita eksali ya, tetapi masih berupa analisasi sementara ya ya apabila tidak menuruti perintah dari pelaku ya maka kekerasan itu dialami," kata Kombes Zulpan kepada wartawan, Selasa, 3 Januari.

Kombes Zulpan added that the results of the post-mortem were of course scientific results that were indisputable and became evidence in the investigation and in the trial later.

"This is what underlies the determination of the article and also later the determination of the status of the suspect from the perpetrator, the Metro Jaya Police in accordance with the direction of the head of the Metro Jaya Police, the Chief of Police will enforce the law firmly and fairly in accordance with existing legal facts," he said.

Zulpan explained that currently Malika is being placed in the Police Hospital until her health condition and recovery process for her trauma.

"Because for 28 days he was under physical pressure and violence in accordance with the results of the post-mortem we received from the team of doctors. He was employed for 28 days by the perpetrator and was involved in the cart, yes. (the victim) participated in looking for livelihoods," he said.

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