JAKARTA Based on the records of the South Jakarta Social Service Sub-dept. (Sudinsos) officers, throughout 2022, his party has arrested 1,024 Social Welfare Service Providers (PPKS). Of that number, people with mental disabilities or people with mental disorders (ODGJ) have been arrested the most. From this data, the number of ODGJs caught during 2022 reached 215 people.

"That's the result of outreach in 10 sub-districts for a year," said South Jakarta Kasudinsos Bernard Tambunan, Monday, January 2.

Bernard said, the PPKS that was netted was directly sent to a number of orphanages assisted by the DKI Jakarta Social Service. Throughout 2022, he said, the maximum outreach of PPKS was in April 2022 or during the month of Ramadan.

Detailing the data, the total netted during Ramadan was 174 PPKS. Of that number, 58 scavengers were the most netted. Then 17 homeless people, 8 problematic teenagers, 20 beggars, and 28 street children.

"There are also two susila tuna, 14 mental disabilities, one special need, seven elderly people, 12 people and 7 other PMKS," said Bernard.

Bernard said that a number of PPKS that were netted came from different areas. Generally they are residents of the capital city's buffer cities.

"Most of the residents are dependent on Jakarta. The border area is there," said Bernard.

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