PALEMBANG - The City Government (Pemkot) of Palembang, South Sumatra, frees the tariff for two transportation routes for the LRT Musi Emas feeder, namely corridor 1 Talang Kelapa - Malang Badminton and corridor 2 Haji-Sematang Borang Dormitory until the end of 2023. "The two routes were previously paid for Rp. 4,000 per person, but after holding an audience with the Mayor of Palembang, he immediately instructed that in 2023 the free people use the feeder transportation," said Head of the Palembang City Transportation Service (Dishub) Afrizal Hasyim in Palembang, Antara, Monday, January 2. Feeder transportation currently has seven travel routes, namely corridor 1 (Talang Kelapa - Malang Bad) and corridor 2 (Asrama Haji - Sematang Borang) Corridor 3 (Asrama Haji-Talang Betutu), Corridor 4 (State Polrestabes - OPI Housing), Corridor 5 (State Station DJKA- Tegal Binangun), Corridor 6 (RSUD-Unitary Station), and Corridor 7 (Bukit - Cambodia Stadium via Sriwijaya Station). "For the two routes, namely corridors 1 and 2, it is funded by the Palembang City Government, while the other five routes are also free of funding by the Palembang LRT to increase the number of LRT passengers," he said. The Palembang City Government has budgeted a fund of approximately Rp. 12 billion because the operational costs of the two feeder transport routes reach Rp. 1 billion per month. He explained that the reason this tariff was free was because of the enthusiasm of the people who were very high in using feeder transportation and it was hoped that more people would use public transportation. "We hope that more people will use public transportation so that traffic jams in Palembang City can be reduced," he said. Meanwhile, Operational Staff for Feeder Transportation of the Musi Palembang LRT, Maudy Fadhilah, said that currently the number of LRT feeder transportations is 51 units spread across seven routes. "For now, the number of feeder transports is 51 units spread over seven routes operating from 05.00 WIB – 19.16 WIB,” he said.

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