The four perpetrators of trafficking in persons or criminal acts of pimps were arrested by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim at the Green Pramuka City Apartment, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.

"The four suspects who were arrested had the initials RD, RDY, PJ, and SPW. They were arrested in the Green Pramuka apartment," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when contacted by VOI, Sunday, January 1.

Kombes Komarudin said this disclosure began with a report by one of the victims with the initials FMA.

According to the victim's report, the incident that happened to him began when he was looking for work through social media.

"The victim who reported this was a Bengkulu resident. Then there was an offer that there was work at the hotel, then the victim was picked up and promised a job. It turned out that the job offer was not in accordance with what was promised," he said.

The FMA victim is known to be forced to serve the lust of the guests until she has sex. Departing from the report, members immediately arrested the perpetrator.

"Such methods are a form of sexual exploitation. Members also carry out development and arrests and secure victims at the oyo factory hotel in the ubud Karawaci park, Tangerang," he said.

Kombes Komarudin said the roles of the perpetrators were different.

Starting from recruiting victims and placing them in apartments, the distribution of money for selling commercial sex workers (CSWs) and the one delivering the woman.

"The perpetrators were charged with Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the crime of sexual violence Article 12 in conjunction with Article 2 of Law No. 21/2007 concerning TIP and or Article 13 of Law No. 12/2022 regarding TPKS and or Article 506 of the Criminal Code," he said.

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