Ireland University Plans To Restore The Results Of The Mumi And The 2,000-YEAR-OLD Sarkofagus To Egypt
Illustration. (Wikimedia Commons/

JAKARTA - Ireland's University College Cork (UCC) said it would repatriate ancient artifacts, including the remains of a human mummy and sarkofagus, to Egypt next year.

Goods donated to universities in 1928 also included a set of cannabis jars - a container used by ancient Egyptians during the immunification process, to store and preserve the owner's organs for life after death - and cardboard items, materials used in burial masks.

University College Cork said the artifact originated in the period between 975 BC (before AD) and 100 AD (Ano Domini), reported The National News December 12.

The decision to repatriate the artifact was the result of talks with the Egyptian embassy in Dublin, the Irish State Department and the Irish National Museum, the university said.

A plan to safely return the items to Egypt is being prepared and is expected to be repatriated next year, the university added.

"UCC is very concerned about its inheritance assets and is happy to be in a position to present these objects to the Egyptian state," said UCC President Professor John O' Halloran.

"I want to thank all stakeholders for their assistance in developing this goods return program," he continued.

Meanwhile, Egyptian Ambassador to Ireland Mohamed Sem, thanked Professor O'Halloran, Irish and Egyptian officials for their cooperation in repatriation efforts.

When given to the university, the remains of the mummy are believed to belong to an ancient queen. They have been found in the Luxor's Valley of the Queens between 1903 and 1904.

However, tests by universities determined that it was the remains of a man, aged between 45 and 50. Meanwhile, Sarkofagus doesn't belong to the same person.

It is known, the journey of artifacts back to Egypt will be documented in a creative project entitled 'Debatation'.

The project will be led by artist Dorothy Cross and producer Mary Hickson, the university said.

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