NTB - Head of the Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Brigadier General Gagas Nugraha said the disclosure of marine drug smuggling cases dominated in 2022.

"Throughout 2022, the disclosure of dominating drug cases was smuggling by sea," said Gagas at a press conference on the handling of drug cases throughout 2022 in Mataram, NTB, Friday, December 30, confiscated by Antara.

The smuggling of sea lanes, he said, was carried out by many perpetrators using the travel method on an relay basis.

With this record, Gagas assured that this matter was included in the evaluation material for the implementation of performance in 2023.

"Of course, there are many things that must be done in a better way, one of which is coordination with the police and including the role of the community to continue promoting positive activities in the field," he said.

Regarding the origin of the smuggling of goods, he explained that many drugs that entered NTB came from Sumatra, both types of methamphetamine and marijuana.

Throughout 2022, it was recorded that the NTB BNNP confiscated 1,610.64 grams of methamphetamine and 487.56 grams of marijuana.

When compared to the 2021 record, according to him, the confiscated drugs in 2022 will decrease. The record in 2021 is 2,373.05 grams of crystal methamphetamine and 343.32 grams of marijuana.

"Indeed, the number of evidences that we confiscated decreased when compared to last year. However, the number of cases has increased from 20 cases in 2021 to 26 cases in 2022," he said.

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