JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will place 110 small, micro and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the celebration of New Year's Eve 2023 in various areas where the festival is located.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (DPKKUKM), Elisabeth Ratu Rante Allo said, the MSMEs involved in this New Year's Eve celebration are MSMEs in the culinary field.

"These MSMEs will hold bazaars at various events initiated by the DKI Jakarta Disparekraf on December 31, 2022, namely the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) as the peak location for the New Year's event, also at several locations for the Young Nights entertainment stage along Thamrin Street to Sudirman Street, as well as at the location of city area events," said Ratu in her statement, Thursday, December 29.

The Queen detailed, as many as 60 MSMEs will open a bazaar at the Young Night-Mudi event along Jalan Thamrin to Jalan Sudirman, 10 MSMEs around the stage of the HI MRT Station, 10 MSMEs around the stage of Jalan Imam Bonjol, 10 MSMEs around the stage of the Davinci Building.

Then, there are 10 MSMEs around the FX Sudirman stage, 10 MSMEs around the SCBD gate way stage, and 10 MSMEs around the Senayan Youth Statue stage. Also, 20 MSMEs in TMII and 30 MSMEs in the yard of the North Jakarta Mayor's Office.

The MSME has gone through a curation process that takes into account product quality, packaging, and production readiness. Thus, the products sold to the public have also been well standardized and safe," said Ratu.

People who want to attend the 2023 New Year's Eve Festival spread across these locations can buy and experience the quality of the superior products of the MSMEs fostered by Jakpreneur. The UMKM bazaar opens at 18.00 WIB.

Furthermore, Ratu said, the payment of MSME transactions was made cashlessly using QRIS Jakpreneur. This payment method can minimize the transmission of COVID-19 because it reduces direct interaction between buyers and traders, and makes it easier for MSMEs to calculate turnover.

"We appeal to people who want to attend the event to support cashless payments by not bringing a lot of cash, and participating together with MSME participants and officers in maintaining the cleanliness of the event location by not littering," he concluded.

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