JAKARTA - Secretary General of Habib Rizieq Shihab Center (HRS Center) Haikal Hassan will attend an invitation to clarify the case of alleged hate speech and the spread of false news about meeting the Prophet Muhammad in a dream. According to the plan, he will give a statement on Wednesday, December 23.

"I have told you that on Wednesday, December 23, we will attend Polda Metro Jaya," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, December 22.

Haikal Hasan did not previously attend the request for clarification. The reason is, he is out of town and busy with his work.

But based on the results of coordination with investigators, Haikal Hasan promised to fulfill the clarification invitation after his activities were completed. So, the investigator rescheduled the clarification.

"There was an activity in question in Solo so he could not attend. But he said that when he returned from Solo or tomorrow he would be there to attend the invitation to summon Polda Metro Jaya investigators," he said.

The invitation to clarify Haikal Hasan is contained in a letter numbered B / 7789 / XII / RES 2.5 / 2020 / Ditreskrimsus. The clarification is planned to take place Monday, December 21.

Haikal Hassan was reported to Polda Metro Jaya by PSI politician, Husin Shihab. This report is registered under the number TBL / 7433 / XII / YAN.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ. Husin reported Haikal Hassan because Haikal said he had met the Prophet Muhammad in his dream.

The evidence of the report is a video clip of Haikal Hassan lecturing at the funeral of six FPI laskar who died as a result of being shot by the police while escorting Rizieq Shihab some time ago.

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