JAKARTA - Chinese authorities have announced that the number of deaths due to the corona virus (2019-nCoV / Wuhan Flu) has increased to 362 deaths and 17,373 cases. Of the newly reported deaths, 56 of them are in Hubei Province, which is the epicenter of the coronavirus spread. One other victim was in Chongqing.

However, this number is still below the number of patients who have successfully recovered from the corona virus. China's National Health Commission reported that 486 patients infected with the coronavirus had been discharged from hospital after recovery on Sunday 2 February. In addition, according to a review from the gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com site, it shows that some corona virus sufferers who are outside China such as Vietnam, Japan and Australia have also been declared cured.

Quoted from Xinhua, Monday, February 3, Gansu Province reported that two patients had successfully recovered from the corona virus. Meanwhile, a 57-year-old patient also managed to recover and was discharged from the hospital after spending 17 days in hospital in southwest China's Sichuan Province. The man was the first patient in the province who was critical when he was first admitted to hospital and managed to recover.

Patients are allowed to go home when the symptoms of the corona virus gradually disappear, body temperature remains in the normal range for at least three days, and the corona virus test shows negative results twice. The number of corona virus sufferers who have recovered is a breath of fresh air for the world. So far, many have reported about the severity of the corona virus, but many also do not understand that the virus can be cured if handled properly.

Hope healed

This is in line with the explanation from the Tropical Disease and Infectious Disease Expert from Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Dr. Erni Juwita Nelwan, SpPD, PhD who was contacted by the VOI team some time ago. He explained that the corona virus is self-supporting or disappears by itself. So, those infected with this disease still have the opportunity to live healthy again.

"The principle is that the virus infection is self-sustaining or can heal itself in three days on average," said Erni when contacted via text message.

However, one must also have a strong immune system. Some time ago, WHO Director General Doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also stated that he had received a report from the Chinese authorities that a quarter of the patients infected with the corona virus had a history of previous severe illness and were elderly people.

The number of patients who recover did not reduce their self-protection. There is nothing wrong with remaining vigilant by using a mask when you are on the move outdoors. Don't forget to wash your hands after removing used masks and after other outside activities.

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